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How will you carry this?

Kulttuurikeskus CAISA

How will you carry this?
Kohteen nimi: How will you carry this?
Osoite: Kaikukatu 4, Leipätehdas, 00530 Helsinki
23.05.2024 - 26.05.2024

Katso kartta isompana


Imagine holding a bird, its feathers prickly against the skin of your palms. Imagine holding a stone, a baby boat, a mountain, a city.
You have to feed it every thirty minutes, you have to set it down, you have to watch it as it grows.

This story could have been different or maybe it never occurred.

"How will you carry this?" is a multimedia, live art and music performance about myths, migrating bodies and transformation. Artists Martin Ormin, Isabella Shaw and Olga Spyropoulou explore their own diverse experiences of migration and layered identities through the lens of myth. They ask the audience to enter a world of uncertainty where truth and reality are blurred, enchantment and metamorphosis are acts of survival, and casting a spell is as ordinary as peeling an apple.

Working group: Martin Ormin, Isabella Shaw, Olga Spyropoulou.

Muokattu: 01.05.2024