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Esbo Arbis Theatre Group: Moreau!


Kohteen nimi: Esbo Arbis Theatre Group: Moreau!
Osoite: Vindgränden 6, 02100 Espoo
04.05.2025 - 04.05.2025

Katso kartta isompana


None Escape! When a traumatised hospital patient suddenly becomes violent, he is forced to process the horrors of his past and present, challenging everything he knows. Will he find inner peace before he is permanently written off as broken and dangerous? Is it ever possible to truly escape the clutches of MOREAU?

A modern and contemporary take on the science fiction horror classic The Island of Dr Moreau by HG Wells, MOREAU reimagines the story to explore memory, therapy, identity, rebellion and ultimately, hope.

Not recommended for children under 14.
Flashing lights and loud sound effects.

Årsavslutningsföreställningen för Esbo Arbis Teatergrupp för att visa upp sitt arbete under läsåret.

Bekanta er med våra säkerhetsarrangemang och principer för tryggare rum: www.vindangen.fi


Muokattu: 21.01.2025