Visit Lohja

Lohja - Lohjan matkailu
Address: Laurinkatu 50, 08100 Lohja
Phone:: +358 (0)44 369 1309

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Lohja is a small town in the middle of fresh and real Finnish Nature only half an hour drive from Helsinki and one hour from Turku. Rich cultural heritage and exotic Tytyri Mine museum gives you excellent reason to visit here.

Lohja is known as the city of a thousand of apple trees. Nature in Lohja is rich and versatile thanks to the lime in the soil and the favourable climate. If you are a sports lover, you have several possibilities to spend an active holiday in Lohja. You will find here almost all outdoor activities you can imagine and many more in indoors. One of the specialities is cave diving in an old Ojamo Mine and of course our hockey school during the summer brings juniors up from Canada to learn how to play like Ville Peltonen!

If your are interested of a real Finnish life style you may join to the summer festivals or Old Times Christmas Fair where you meet a lot of Finnish people spending their day off. In Sammatti you can join to the Lönnrot Tour where you can explore the landmarks and scenery which have inspired Elias Lönnrot, the creator of the Finnish national epic, the Kalevala. You can enjoy the concerts of the City Orchestra, the plays at the Lohja Theatre, versatile art exhibitions and many other cultural events in Lohja.

And don‘t miss the Tytyri Experience, which - over 100 metres below ground level - demonstrates the work done by miners and gives you a sense of past times. Down here time stands still and history is strongly present, even though parts of the limestone mine are still in operation.

Modified: 05.06.2024